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Each day start with a powerful quote or Bible verse- Author Rebecca

Sharon Gaddala

Updated: Apr 8, 2021

Author of 100 days to Self-Love

Interview by Sharon Swathi Gaddala

Rebecca Glenski Coppage

Rebecca is married and has a daughter and a son. She has been a Pediatric nurse practitioner for 8 years. Prior to becoming a nurse practitioner, she was a nurse in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit for 7 years. She has 2 big dogs, loves to do puzzles, sew, read, and play the piano.

Sharon - Who or what inspired you to write this book?

Author Rebecca - For the past 2 years, I’ve been on a big journey of learning to accept myself and love my body. I have acquired so many skills in the past few years and I have had a significant amount of personal growth. I thought that if writing about my journey could help even just one person to love themselves more, the effort would be worth it.

Sharon - What can you tell us about your book?

Author Rebecca - 100 Days to Self-Love is a daily devotional that takes you on a journey to learning how to let go of your past mistakes, accept where you are right now, and embrace all the things that make you uniquely you. Each day starts with a powerful quote or Bible verse.

Sharon - What Genre is your book and why did you make that choice?

Author Rebecca - I had a difficult time deciding what genre to make my book. I feel like it falls within the self-help category, but I also think there is a spiritual/inspirational component as well.

Sharon - How long did it take for you to complete this book?

Author Rebecca - I wrote this book over the course of about 2 months. Once I sat down and started writing, I had a very hard time stopping. The words just poured out of me. It took another month or so to edit my book and get it ready to publish.

Sharon - What was the hardest part while writing this book?

Author Rebecca - In 100 Days to Self-Love, I share a lot of personal experiences that I have gone through during my life. Writing about some of these hard experiences made me feel extremely vulnerable at times. It can be very hard to open up about your own personal struggles and issues, knowing that you are about to let the whole world read your book.

Sharon - How did you come up with the Title of this book?

Author Rebecca - My favourite devotional book is called 100 Days to Brave. I absolutely LOVED the idea of taking 100 days of your life and committing it to an important purpose. I also wanted people to know exactly what my book was about, just by reading the title: Self-Love.

Sharon - Did you design your book cover or hire a professional?

Author Rebecca - I hired a professional to design my book cover. I am in love with it! It turned out even better than I had imagined it! Emily Watson did a beautiful job of taking my ideas and making them into an eye-catching, colorful cover.

Sharon - Did you self-Publish or use a publisher? Who was the publisher and how much time did they take to publish your book.

Author Rebecca - I self-published 100 Days to Self-Love. It was very important to me that if I was going to share parts of my story, that it not be altered in any way. I worried that if I tried to get a publisher, they might want to change it a bit. I really just wanted to publish my book exactly the way I wrote it. So, I chose to self-publish using Amazon.

Sharon - How did you celebrate after you completed your book?

Author Rebecca - My husband and I popped a bottle of champagne and toasted! It was a small celebration, but it felt like a very big step in my writing career.

Sharon - How do you deal with negative reviews on your book review?

Author Rebecca - There are always going to be people who disagree with you or dislike the work you are putting out into the world. They also won’t be afraid to voice it. I remind myself constantly that the most important opinion of my work is my own. When I see negative comments or reviews, I try to take it as constructive criticism. Sometimes though, you just have to let these negative opinions role off your back.

Sharon - When did you start writing?

Author Rebecca - I have been writing ever since I can remember. Even as a very young girl, I would write little things in my diary. I would also write short stories and make small books. As I got older, my writing became more focused. I never stopped journaling though!

Sharon - How many books have you written?

Author Rebecca - I have written 2 books. My first, called My Perfect Little Secret, is a young adult novel that I released in 2012. 100 Days to Self-Love was released a little over 2 weeks ago.

Sharon - Who is your favourite Author and why?

Author Rebecca - I really love reading books written by Annie Downs. They are so easy to relate to, down to earth, and you feel like you are reading something written by a close friend.

Sharon - What advice would you give to a writer, for their first book?

Author Rebecca - Take it one chapter at a time. Writing a book is a big process and if you get bogged down in all that needs to be done, it can be really daunting. Just focus on expressing your idea and getting it on paper.

To Follow the Author

INSTAGRAM - rbccag
TWITTER - @rbccag

We wish Rebecca Glenski Coppage all the success for her book.

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